The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth Launches Its First Impact Report

On the occasion of International Youth Day, 2021, the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth has just launched its first-ever Impact report highlighting the progress and achievements of the partnership since its launch till the end of 2020.

Decent Jobs for Youth addresses the lack of scale, pace, and coherence in the response to the global youth employment challenge. Our strategy pursues one overarching goal: to leverage Knowledge, Alliances and Resources to foster Action that leads to tangible results for decent jobs for youth.

We are pleased to report progress across our four strategic pillars. Since its inception till the end of 2020, 76 partners, including United Nations entities, governments, youth-led organizations and the private sector have joined Decent Jobs for Youth. Commitments pledged by partners are supporting more than 33 million young people globally. Over 650 million dollars has been mobilised and invested by partners of the Initiative to accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs. The Initiative has also played an important role in curating and developing knowledge to guide evidence-informed action on youth employment, particularly in Africa. Moreover, the YouthForesight knowledge facility was recently launched by partners, as a one-stop-shop providing curated tools, publications, databases, and resources to support action on education and skilling, employment, entrepreneurship, and engagement for and with youth.

We look forward to strengthening our partnership, expanding our reach, and continuing to generate the latest evidence, all in support of scaling up action and impact on youth employment.

Read our Impact Report here.

Partners' voices


Published Date

11 August 2021